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Library FAQs

Below, you will find the answers to a variety of common library questions. 

  1. How do I connect to online resources?

    On-Campus use of library resources requires no special connections. Hardwired access is available in labs and in the library. Individuals may also make use of wireless access throughout the Mount Union Campus community. 

    Off-Campus access to Mount Union Library resources is available both through the University of Mount Union Library website and OhioLINK website.

    When attempting to access subscription resources while off-campus such as databases, journals, or ebooks through the University of Mount Union Library web pages, you will be prompted for your last name and barcode as seen below.

    Your barcode is found on your Purple Plus Card and begins with the number prefix 27048.

    When attempting to access subscription resources through the OhioLINK pages, you will be prompted for your institution, then your name as it appears on your Purple Plus Card, then your barcode number.

  2. How do I find course reserves?

    Course reserves are collections of supplemental materials (books, dvds, articles, etc.) chosen by faculty and made available to students either in hard copy or electronic form.

    Start your search by clicking on the “Reserves” link on the Mount Union Library website, located in the right-hand "Quick Links" bar.

    The Reserves link will take you directly to the appropriate library catalog page.

    You may search for reserves by course name or by the name of your instructor.

    Hard copy course reserves are shelved at the Library Circulation Desk. Bring your PurplePlu$ card to the check-out desk and ask for the materials by faculty name and course number.

    Hard copy course reserves may be used for a time period of four hours, one day, three days, or one week as determined by the faculty member. Overdue fines are $5 per item per reserve period. For example, if the item is allowed to be checked out for one day, and it is returned two days late, then the fine is $10. Reserve loan periods are structured to provide all students in a particular class access to these items during the term.

    Electronic reserves or e-reserves are located in the online library catalog using the same Reserves link. 

    From there, you will link directly to the document that has been reserved for your class.  If accessing electronic reserves from off-campus, you will need to authenticate your library record using your name and PurplePlus barcode.

  3. How do I renew items on my library account?

    There are three ways to renew items on your library account.

    Come to the Library
    Visit the Circulation Desk (check in/check out). Hand the staff member your PurplePlu$ card and ask them to renew your items.     

    Call the Circulation Desk
    Call (330) 823-3890. Ask to renew your library materials.  The staff member will ask you for your PurplePlu$ card barcode number and will then renew your materials.

    Go to your Library account on the web. 
    Enter your last name, a comma, and then your first name. Then enter your 14-digit PurplePlus card barcode number, which begins with 27048. Click Submit. Check the box to the left of each item that you would like to renew. Then click the Renew Marked button. Or you may renew everything on your library card by clicking the Renew All button.

    University of Mount Union items, OhioLINK, and SearchOhio items may be renewed using the same link and method. Mount Union books circulate for 30 days and may be renewed for three additional time periods of 30 days. OhioLINK books circulate for three weeks and may be renewed for six additional time periods of three weeks each. SearchOhio items have varying loan periods from seven to 21 days, depending on the type of media, with three renewals permitted.

  4. How to request a book or article that the Mount Union Library does not own?

    The University of Mount Union Library belongs to the OPAL, OhioLINK, and SearchOhio consortia. All library catalogs in the consortia use similar library software to simplify and facilitate access to and availability of library resources and materials locally and throughout the state of Ohio.

    Materials not available at Mount Union may be available from another consortial library. If so, you may request to borrow the item during the search process for that item in the library online catalog. When ascertaining that the item is not available at the University of Mount Union Library, click on the button for Search OhioLINK button.

    The search process will immediately take you to the OhioLINK catalog and search for the material in question. If the item is available at one of the other OhioLINK schools, you may then click on the green Request button.

    You will be prompted to select your school or institution. Select Univ of Mt Union. You will then be asked to enter your name and barcode. 

    If the item is not available through OPAL or OhioLINK, SearchOhio may be of service. SearchOhio is a consortium of public libraries around the state. You may find it useful for acquiring DVDs, CDs, and popular reading materials. Just click on the SearchOhio button at the top of the catalog page and follow the prompts.

    Some books may not be available from Mount Union, OhioLINK, or SearchOhio. In this case, you may request an item using the Interlibrary Loan Service. There is no fee for using Interlibrary Loan. Interlibrary loan requests are not limited to Ohio libraries.

    Interlibrary Loan Book/Video Request Form

    Due dates vary for Interlibrary Loan book requests, depending upon the policy of the lending library.

    Journal Articles not available either in hard copy or electronic copy from Mount Union may also be requested through the Interlibrary Loan process. There is no fee for using Interlibrary Loan for articles.

    Interlibrary Loan Journal Article Request Form

    Articles obtained through Interlibrary Loan become the property of the individual who requests them.

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